Dastak Coaching English Grammar Articles Notes In Hindi


Dilip Kushwaha Class Notes : दोस्तों आज हम आप सभी Students के लिए Dilip Kushwaha Sir की English Grammar से सम्बंधित “Articles” के Notes लेकर आए है जो आपके English language को सही करने के लिए Help करेगा |क्युकी Article से Competitive एग्जाम में अक्सर  प्रश्न पूछे जाते है | इस लिए Articles को पढना बहुत ही महतापूर्ण है |

Note : यह नोट्स Dilip Kushwaha Sir द्वरा बनाया गया है इसलिए आप सभी विद्यार्थी Dilip Kushwaha Class Notes को अच्छे तरह से पढ़े :-

A, An and The called articles

The articles are not a separate part of speech, they are demonstrative adjectives. Articles are used before nouns and may be called determiners.
There are two kinds of articles in English language:
A and a n are called indefinite article while The is called the Definite article.

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Indefinite article(A & An):Article ‘A’ & ‘An’ are known as Indefinite Article, ‘an’ or ‘a’ is a weakened form of ‘one’.

  • (1.) There lived in old farmer in a village.
    an old farmer = any old farmer(not definite)
    a village = any village(not definite)
  • (2.)Definite Article(The): Article ‘The’ is known as definite article because it makes the things ‘definite’.

Ex. 1. There lived an old farmer in a village.
The farmer was the head of the village.
The farmer = same farmer
The village = same village

इसे पढ़े : English Grammar Handwriting Notes 

Common use of article A,An & The

जब Sentence में किसी singular countable noun का प्रयोग होता है तो हम आवश्यकतानुसार Article ‘A’ अथवा ‘An’ का प्रयोग करते हैं|

  • Ex- 1. There is a boy in the field.
  • 2. An intelligent officer is looking into the case.

जब वाक्य में singular अथवा plural, countable अथवा uncountable किसी भी noun का प्रयोग होता है तो निश्चित करने के अर्थ में हम सभी nouns के साथ article ‘The’ का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं|

  • Ex. (i) I have a book. The book is really very inspiring.
  • (ii) There were many scholars in the seminar. The scholars were discussing the role of education in our society.
  • (iii) There is some ghee in the container. The ghee is adulterated.
  • (iv) My Friend has a beautiful car. The car needs a great maintenance.

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Difference between the use of article A and An

Article A अथवा An के मध्य चुनाव उस शब्द की ध्वनि(sound) पर निर्भर करता है जिसके पहले article A and An का प्रयोग किया जाना है|

Use of article ‘An’:

जब किसी singular countable noun  का उच्चारण हिंदी स्वर (अ से अः) के मध्य किया जाता है तो ऐसी स्थिति में हम उस noun के आगे Article An का प्रयोग करते हैं|

  • Ex-(i) Words beginning with vowels and producing vowel sound : an ox, an eye, an ear, an owl, an elephant, an umbrella, an inkpot, an army, an armchair, an American, an Australian, an Indian, an idiot, an ulcer etc.
  • (ii) Words beginning with consonants but producing vowel sound : an M.A, an M.P, an S.D.O., an X-mas present etc.
  • (iii) Before words beginning with silent ‘h’ and producing vowel sound : an hour, an honour, an heir, an honest man, an honourable man etc.

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Use of article ‘A’:

यदि किसी singular countable noun का उच्चारण हिंदी व्यंजन (क से ज्ञ) के मध्य होता है तो ऐसी स्थिति में हम उस noun के आगे article ‘A’  का प्रयोग करते हैं|

  1. Ex- (i) Words beginning with consonants and producing consonant sound : A boy, a dog, a pen, a horse, a B.A., a human being, a yard, a year etc.
  2. (ii) Words beginning with vowels but producing consonants sounds:
  • (a) Words which begin with ‘y’ sound : a ewe, a university, a unit, a union, a eulogy, a useful thing, a uniform, a European etc.
  • (b) Words which begin with a ‘w’ sound : a one-rupee coin, one-legged man, a one-way ticket.

Note- Historical, hotel and humble के आगे article ‘A’ का प्रयोग करते हैं|

  1. Ex- (i) There is an hotel in the village.(wrong)
  2. There is a hotel in the village.(right)
  3. (ii) My friend is an humble person. (Wrong)
  4. My friend is a humble person.(Right)

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